Welcome to District

Welcome to District

Building a strategy is one of the most important things that you will do in crypto. Discovering the right ideas, growing your portfolio of assets, and sharing the knowledge that you've accumulated is all part of what keeps our industry diverse, vibrant, and full of opportunities.

But exploring the frontier isn't easy.

The leading tools and protocols in the market emerged during the early days of DeFi where unsustainable yields and overnight riches were common. Yet, as DeFi has matured and the amount of data and opportunities has increased exponentially, the way in which we invest hasn't kept pace.

Transactions today are simple.

Signed and broadcast to the network in real-time, today's transactions require users to be available 24/7, or even worse share their private keys with an external service, if they want to employ an advanced onchain transaction execution strategy.

What if transactions were better? What if they were smarter? What if transactions could react in real-time to changes on a blockchain and in an Open Finance market?

This is why we are building District.

Our mission is to give every investor the best opportunity to build onchain wealth. We want to help unlock the full potential of Decentralized Finance.

District | Investment strategies, simplified

We believe that every investor has a strategy, and it's our job to help them discover and bring those strategies to life by:

  1. Equip investors with the information and tools to make better decisions. The possibilities in DeFi are nearly infinite. Our goal is to make crafting and testing strategies frictionless, simple and fast so that you can always transform your ideas into action.
  2. Democratize access to high-quality, algorithmically executed strategies. Historically, only the most financially and technically sophisticated investors could build an automated strategy. The advanced tools and data these investors had made it possible for them to outperform the market, and we're bringing that to the masses.
  3. Amplify our users success. District provides a community that connects users to strategies, users to users, and strategies to strategies. When folks in our community do well, everyone benefits as knowledge is shared and our library of off-the-shelf strategies grows.

This is just the start of our journey building District. We know it won't be easy and we are excited to share our learnings and thoughts as we make progress.

As we take our first steps into the frontier, we are welcoming investors, builders, solvers, and traders to join us in our private alpha. If you are interested in joining early and influencing the direction of District, sign up here and follow us on Twitter.

— District Founders: Justin & Kames